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Perhaps the most well-known elements and rituals for a ceremony are poems, readings and music. Where family and friends feel most comfortable participating. With so many beautiful and inspiring pieces to choose from. I can help you find just the right piece to make the ceremony personal and meaningful.
Handfasting is just one of a multitude of traditions that you may want to think about as part of the wedding ceremony. Where the hands are tied to symbolize the joining of two people together, two lives and two loves. Pick your material and colours to fit with your theme and have some fun while 'tying the knot!'
As you both pour the sand into the vessel, your lives are symbolically joined together. A lovely ritual to have alongside saying your vows. Choosing colours that mean something to you both, involving family and friends, and using different types of jars and vessels, will all add a fun, meaningful and symbolic element to your ceremony.
One special ritual is the memory book, memory vase, or box. Having this as part of the ceremony provides an opportunity for people to pay tribute to a loved one, to share memories, in a way which allows the healing process to start. There are lots of ways to personalise this ritual so that it reflects the personality and interests of the loved one.
How do we love you? Let us count the ways! And there are many ways to show our love and support for a baby or child, or new member of the family. A jar full of wishes, a family artwork, sand ceremony, a time capsule, foot prints, keepsake boxes......everyone a special way to set them on their life journey.
Lighting a candle, or candles, is a ritual that gives any ceremony that sense of light, warmth, spirituality. Candles can be used in wedding ceremonies, to symbolize unity between the couple, as well as add a sense of magic to the location. Petals, provide colour and can be placed on a coffin by friends as they say their goodbyes, as a moving ritual that also says 'we love you'.
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